Gay Rights And The Adoption Process

Gay_Adoption_Map_North_AmericaMany of us have the enjoyment and benefit of our rights, especially here in the United States.  As a law abiding citizen, in the United States of America, we are granted a list of rights, known as the Bill of Rights, that grant us the freedoms we deserve.  Some look at these rights as a gift, some look at them as a power, and some look at them as a necessity.  Take a minute and think to yourself how life would be if you didn’t have these rights.  You would have to carefully watch what you say and what you do.  For some, in other countries, this is how everyday life is.  Unfortunately, for some here in our own country this is how everyday life is.  For example, take those who are homosexual, they are not viewed as a normal citizen to many here in the country.  They are not granted the same rights that everyone else receives.  Many believe this is the way it should be, for they are going against tradition and the ways of life.  However, there are also some who believe they are normal citizens just like you and I.  The struggle for gay rights has been a constant one, and will continue to be for years to come.  Likewise, it is through the wise words and arguments of others that we can take a look at different viewpoints and consider the ways of this never-ending issue.

One of the main issues that have come up is determining whether or not gay couples should be allowed to adopt.  Some argue there is no legal reason why gay couples cannot have the right to adopt children.  Many gay and lesbian people are choosing to become parents. Some of them have brought children with them from their previous relationships and there are other couples who chose artificial insemination. But many others are seeing adoption as their preferred method of bringing a child into their family.

 People fear that gays and lesbians who adopt are child molesters. Research has demonstrated that there is no connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. The studies indicate that people who are pedophiles often have no sexual interest in adults, male or female. The American Civil Liberties Union has argued against those who state that gay people cannot provide stable homes. Well, what is considered to be a “stable home” now days?  There aren’t any studies that show that gay parents are unable to provide stability in their homes. “All of the major child welfare organizations affirm that gay and lesbian parents are just as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive, healthy homes.” The ACLU states that studies on gay families have shown nothing that should prohibit same sex couples from being allowed to adopt children. None of the studies indicate that gay parents are less capable parents or that their children are any different from children who are raised by heterosexual couples.

Anti-gay activists argue that this research should be disregarded because its methodology is inadequate. The methods that the anti-gay activists are attacking are “well-accepted social science methods that are routinely used by researchers in the field of psychology,” according to the ACLU.  If the anti-gay arguments were valid, most psychological research would have to be disposed of.

The above link shows a poll taken by teens (boys vs. girls) and their view on whether or not gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. This takes us into our idea of how the government regulates this idea in our country today.  In the United States gay adoption is allowed, but only in certain states, fourteen to be exact.  To us this number seems too low, our country is made up of fifty states, and we are a country as a whole, not by states.  So, if we are going to agree on this issue in some areas, it should be agreed with in all areas.  We are a United Country and it is important we all agree on majority of important issues that are addressed.  Our Constitution gives us these freedoms when we become part of this country, whether we’re born into it, or become a citizen.  It shouldn’t matter what our sexual orientation is, we should all be allowed to adopt.  If someone (or a couple) is willing to save a child’s life, why question them about it.

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