
Six people have done six different research papers that all focus on the government. We have the intention of showing our point of view of each individual subject on separate pages but for now an overview of all of our government issues.

Gay Adoption:

The government has many regulations when it comes to the topic of gay adoption.  There are many different viewpoints on the idea, and here in the United States, this issue is taken at a state level rather than a federal level.  What this means for the United States is that there are certain states who agree with the idea of gay adoption and some that don’t.  This can cause many issues within our country, because it will force those who are gay to move to certain areas in order to receive their right of adopting children.

Internet in the Workplace and The Sarbanes-Oxley Act:

The Internet and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are two very important topics that are constantly discussed when the term government regulation is brought up. For example, is personal use of the Internet appropriate in the workplace? The government is trying to decide that perhaps regulating the Internet use is the best way to handle this situation. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is also regulated because this act was made in response to the corporate scandals that took place in 2002. The main question that is being brought up about government regulation is, is the government regulating Americans too much? And if they are how do we, as Americans, stop it?

Endangered Species:

Endangered species, especially those who are at risk of becoming extinct, are in need of protection. Sometimes strategies for protection must go as far as to be implemented by the government. The government has put in place many regulations that strive to protect these species, but people who are actually paying attention to this issue are split on whether or not the government is doing enough. Looking at the various regulations, are there enough? Does the government need to do more, or is it doing too much?


Our Nation is currently debating raising the national minimum wage level to $9 an hour. This has kicked up many debates concerning if $9 is too much, not enough, or a standard not even needed. Read our Wages page to learn more and decided for yourself what direction our country should take on this stance.

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